Vitacost Be Box ~ Be Well May 2013
How did I miss out on these cute little cubes? And miss out, I did! Be Pretty and Be All are ALWAYS sold out. Desperately wanting to try them out I opted for a Be Well Box. I paid $13.99 w/Free shipping.
So what did I get?
On the lid flappy thing there was a $5 coupon good toward any $30 purchase of Vitacost brand items.
Two Immuno-DMG chews. A supplement to support your immune system.
Three packets of Emergen-C in various flavors.
Two calcium soft chews ~ Chocolate flavor.
Raw Rev 100 Organic Live Food Bar ~chocolate coconut bliss.
Natural Calm ~ A relaxing magnesium supplement. Cherry flavor. *shrugs*
Adva CAL vitamin D/calcium capsules. Bottle of 150
MegaFood Blood Builder. 30 tablets.
One can argue that it’s a steal, but me. I’m still scratching my head wondering about all of these items. Will I use them? Do I want to?
What are your thoughts on this box? BTW I paid for it and all opinions are my own. There are also affiliate links lurking around.